The Assessment Of Thermodynamic Model For Hydrogen Production By IS Thermochemical Cycle
Itjeu Karliana
Pusat Teknologi Reaktor dan Keselamatan Nuklir (PTKRN) - BATAN
Kawasan PUSPIPTEK Gd. 80, Serpong, Tangerang, 15310
THE ASSESSMENT OF THERMODYNAMIC MODEL FOR HYDROGEN PRODUCTION BY IS THERMOCHEMICAL CYCLE. Thermodynamic model for hydrogen production by I-S thermochemical cycle has been studied on the Bunsen reaction. The alternative energy resource of hydrogen which water splitting is promising to produce hydrogen because it has efficient energy, environment acceptable, and competitive cost operation compared to fossil energy or renewable energy resources. For commercial scale of hydrogen production through the I-S thermochemical cycle as the aim of others. In this cycle, iodine and sulfur dioxide mixture with water forming iodide acid and sulfuric acid. Both phases to form two separated section, H2SO4: [H2SO4 + H2O]l at the upper layer and HIx : [2HI]g + [(x-1)I2]l + [H2O]l at the bottom. In the separation process known several factor has been problems, for instances: HI extraction from HIx mixture because azeotropic mixing within HIx section, solidification of iodine, and heterogenous H2O-HI-I2 ternery mixtures. In this paper are described thermodynamic model on the hydrogen production by I-S thermochemical cycle using ZRP/EoS/Gex and PR/MHV2/UNSolv combined with activity coefficient and Engel’s salvation model. The goal of assessment is to evaluate equilibrium system in HIx region of HIx : [2HI]g + [(x-1)I2]l + [H2O]l due too many dissolved fractions. From this assessment that thermodynamic model can explain the equilibrium of liquid-liquid phase and vapor-liquid phase in HIx mixture solution.
Keywords: Thermodynamic model, hydrogen production, thermochemical.
Published : Proceeding "SEMINAR NASIONAL PENGEMBANGAN ENERGI NUKLIR II 2009", Jakarta, 25 Juni 2009.
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