Comparisan Of Nuclear Hydrogen Production Between Sulfur-Iodine Cycle Of Thermochemical And Natural Gas Steam Reforming Process
Djati H. Salimy, Ida N. Finahari
Pusat Pengembangan Energi Nuklir (PPEN) BATAN
Jl. Abdul Rohim Kuningan Barat, Mampang Prapatan
COMPARISON OF NUCLEAR HYDROGEN PRODUCTION BETWEEN SULFUR-IODINE CYCLE OF THERMOCHEMICAL AND NATURAL GAS STEAM REFORMING PROCESS. Paper describes comparison of nuclear hydrogen production for two technology processes: thermochemical of sulfur-iodine cycle and steam reforming of natural gas. The goal of the study is to understanding production characteristic of each processes. The comparison is analyzed from the point of advantages and disadvantages, thermal efficiency, and technology statues. Steam reforming of natural gas is the proven technology, while thermochemical process is still in the stage of research and development. Thermal efficiency of steam reforming (70-76%) is about three time of electrolysis (47-52%). Preliminary estimation of production cost also showed that steam reforming is cheaper. However, from the point of raw material, thermochemical is more advantage since the unlimited and renewable raw material of water, promising the process of hydrogen production without CO2 emission. While, steam reforming depend on non renewable raw material of natural gas. For nuclear application, test production of nuclear steam reforming has been going on since the mid of 2010 and will soon be operated by 2015. Couple thermochemical process with nuclear, will conducted in the end of 2010, hope be operated by 2025. For commercial operation both of the processes still wait the commercialization of HTGR.
Keywords: steam reforming, thermochemical, thermal efficiency, HTGR
Published : Proceeding "SEMINAR NASIONAL PENGEMBANGAN ENERGI NUKLIR II 2009", Jakarta, 25 Juni 2009.
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