The Probabilistic Analysis Of Power Reactor Radiation Safety At LOCA (Loss Of Coolant Accident) Condition
Pande Made Udiyani
Pusat Teknologi Reaktor dan Keselamatan Nuklir - BATAN
PTRKN-BATAN, Kawasan PUSPIPTEK Gd.80, Serpong, Tangerang, 15310
THE PROBABILISTIC ANALYSIS OF POWER REACTOR RADIATION SAFETY AT LOCA (LOSS OF COOLANT ACCIDENT) CONDITION. Operation of power reactor NPPs (Nuclear Power Plants) requires important document safety analysis. The objectives this paper is to get supporting data for Safety Analysis Report (SAR) document. The probabilistic analysis for radiologic and environment consequences done at accident condition with LOCA postulation. The assumption of LOCA is Large Break Loss of Coolant Accident ) based on the fourth level of DBA (Design Basis Accident),which was started double guillotine break in the primary pipes. The assumptions of fission product releases from core inventory to containment are: Emergency core cooling system (ECCS) injection cold and hot legs types, 3 % failed fuel fraction; by gap inventory; fraction of the core inventory present in the gap are: 7,5 % Kr; noble gas Xe 3,95 %; and Iodine is 0,65 %. Released core inventory to containment for Kr-85 is 0,23%, Xe-133 (0,07 %), I-131 (0,02 %) and Cs-137 (0,06 %). The containment is without spray system. Source term data are from PWR 1000 MWe generic power reactor with Muria Peninshula site study. The radiology consequences was estimated by PC Cosyma programme code with probabilistic calculating mode. From various pathway, the estimation results are: the maximum mean individual probability distributions dose is 2,98 x 10-4 mSv/year for 1 km radius reactor distances. This dose is under BAPETEN and IAEA dose limit for accident.
Key words: probabilistic, radiation dose, LOCA, safety
Published : Proceeding "SEMINAR NASIONAL PENGEMBANGAN ENERGI NUKLIR II 2009", Jakarta, 25 Juni 2009
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