Analysis Of Void Percentage Impact On Neutronic And Thermohydraulic Condition Of Boiling Water Reactor
Nanang Triagung Edi Hermawan dan Catur Febriyanto Sutopo
Program Magister Rekayasa Energi Nuklir – Institut Teknologi Bandung
ANALYSIS OF VOID PERCENTAGE IMPACT ON NEUTRONIC AND THERMOHYDRAULIC CONDITION OF BOILING WATER REACTOR. Analysis of neutronic and thermohydraulic condition of Boiling Water Reactor have been done by void percentage changes. The analysis did by Matlab software modeling. Neutron distribution approach in reactor core modeling by two energy groups and one dimension neutron diffusion equation solved numerically. By known of neutron flux distribution, temperature in the center of fuel element could be known. The analysis continued with temperature distribution in the surface of fuel element and cooler. The calculation neutron distribution was done radially by assumption the dimension of fuel element infinite in axially. Maximum thermal neutron distribution was happened on 75% void, and for fast neutron on 100%. The power distribution relatively isn’t influenced by void percentage changes. The temperature distribution on fuel element will little decrease relatively by raising of void percentage.
Keywords: void percentage, neutronic, thermohydraulic, BWR, neutron distribution, temperature distribution.
Proceeding Seminar Nasional Ke-15 "TEKNOLOGI DAN KESELAMATAN PLTN SERTA FASILITAS NUKLIR", Surakarta, 17 Oktober 2009
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