Multiobjective Simulated Annealing Method Implementation For Pwr Fuel Loading Pattern Optimization Using Corebn Code
Christina Novila Soewono, Alexander Agung, Sihana
Jurusan Teknik Fisika Fakultas Teknik - Universitas Gadjah Mada
MULTIOBJECTIVE SIMULATED ANNEALING METHOD IMPLEMENTATION FOR PWR FUEL LOADING PATTERN OPTIMIZATION USING COREBN CODE. Optimizing loading/reloading pattern design is one of nuclear fuel management activities in order to reduce fuel cycle costs while satisfying safety constraints and operational targets. Multiplication factor at the end of cycle and maximum power peaking factors are the parameters to define the optimal LP design. This optimization initial fuel loading pattern study is based on multiobjective simulated annealing algorithm which is coupled to COREBN code for core burn up calculation. Optimization is implemented on ¼ core model (52 fuel assemblies) which represent the whole core. The result will then be compared to standard model in order to observe the improvement.
Keywords: optimization, loading pattern, multiplication factor at end of cycle, power peaking factors, multiobjective simulated annealing, COREBN
Proceeding Seminar Nasional Ke-15 "TEKNOLOGI DAN KESELAMATAN PLTN SERTA FASILITAS NUKLIR", Surakarta, 17 Oktober 2009
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