State Level Approaches Of Safeguards To Facility And Nuclear Material
Endang Susilowati
STATE LEVEL APPROACHES OF SAFEGUARDS TO FACILITY AND NUCLEAR MATERIAL. State level approaches of safeguards to facility and nuclear material have evolved significantly since implementation of traditional safeguards to integrated safeguards. Traditional safeguards emphasizing correctness of nuclear material under safeguards while integrated safeguards emphasizing on both correctness and completeness at which State’s nuclear programme evaluated as a whole then the absence of undeclared nuclear material can be detected. This paper discusses aspects of state level approaches of safeguards on integrated safeguards implementation. The main elements of State-level approaches including information analysis, complementary access, unannounced inspections and environmental sampling are applied to all components of nuclear fuel cycle since mining to nuclear waste. Research and development institution, industrial sector, export and import are considered as important part of State’s nuclear programme should be verified Credibility and effectivity of State level approaches of safeguards on facility and nuclear material may act as an instrument of building confidence world wide that facility and nuclear material are exclusively used for peace and prosperity
Keywords: safeguards, nuclear material, verification
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengembangan Energi Nuklir III, 2010 ISSN 1979-1208
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