The Feasibility Of Heat Transfer System Aspect On Very High Temperature Reactor (VHTR)
Pusat Teknologi Reaktor dan Keselamatan Nuklir - BATAN
PTRKN-BATAN, Kawasan PUSPIPTEK Gd. 80, Serpong, Tangerang, 15310
THE FEASIBILITY of HEAT TRANSFER SYSTEM ASPECT on VERY HIGH TEMPERATURE REACTOR (VHTR). Very high temperature reactor is a generation IV reactor has been enhancing to support the innovation nuclear energy system. VHTR is a concept reactor for challenging technology goals for Generation IV nuclear energy systems and heat utility for hydrogen production and thermo-chemical applications. The VHTR is a next step in the evolutionary development of high-temperature gas cooled reactors. VHTR system are purposed to enhance of reactor safety and reliability, economics electricity production and new products, nuclear waste reduction and proliferation resistance and physical protection. Reactor operations on very high temperature give an effect for generate electricity with high efficiency, over 50%. Reactor technical specification that operated on very high temperature needs all components have to be developed for temperatures well above the present state of 1000oC. Safety aspect of reactor system should be separate against petrochemical system. As a preliminary conclusion, it’s needed to enhance the heat transfer material however to continue follow the VHTR development, by concerning to the others aspects, VHTR can be choose as an alternative to fulfill electricity and hydrogen production in Indonesia.
Key words: VHTR, concept reactor, hydrogen production, high efficiency
Published : Proceeding "SEMINAR NASIONAL PENGEMBANGAN ENERGI NUKLIR II 2009", Jakarta, 25 Juni 2009.
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