Study On Helium Turbine For Secondary Coolant System Of Molten Salt Reactor
Sri Sudadiyo
PTRKN-BATAN, Kawasan PUSPIPTEK Gd. 80, Serpong, Tangerang, 15310
STUDY ON HELIUM TURBINE FOR SECONDARY COOLANT SYSTEM OF MOLTEN SALT REACTOR. From the viewpoint of energy system and environment, concept for molten salt reactor (MSR) is one of advanced nuclear reactors which have good potential for electricity generation device. Within MSR, molten salt fuel flows through graphite core channels, to produce thermal neutron. The obtained heat of nuclear fuel was transferred to secondary coolant system through the heat exchanger using closed cycle of helium turbine. The resulted hot helium gas was expanded to the turbine for getting power. This study purposed to determine the performance of helium turbine as main components of secondary coolant cycle in MSR. The applied parameter was pressure ratio, specific heat ratio, and temperature. By placing both of helium turbine and compressor at single shaft, it was obtained approximate 49 % from turbine power output for driving compressor and the residual power to turn on electricity generator. The yielded turbine adiabatic efficiency is 85 % and it is able to improve thermal efficiency for secondary coolant system of MSR.
Keywords : Turbine, efficiency, helium
Published : Proceeding "SEMINAR NASIONAL PENGEMBANGAN ENERGI NUKLIR II 2009", Jakarta, 25 Juni 2009.
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