Analysis Of Helium Gas Flow Through Turbine Nozzle For Molten Salt Power Reactor
Sri Sudadiyo
PTRKN-BATAN, Kawasan PUSPIPTEK Gd. 80, Serpong, Tangerang, 15310
ANALYSIS OF HELIUM GAS FLOW THROUGH TURBINE NOZZLE FOR MOLTEN SALT POWER REACTOR. From the viewpoint of energy system and environment, concept for Molten Salt Reactor (MSR) is one type of advanced generation nuclear power reactors which have good potential for electricity generation device. Within MSR, molten salt fuel flows through graphite core channels, to produce thermal neutron. The obtained heat of nuclear fuel was transferred to secondary coolant system through the heat exchanger using closed cycle of helium turbine. The resulted hot helium gas was expanded to the nozzle for running blade at turbine rotor. At the nozzle, crossed area constitutes very critical section, if crossed area was too small then the helium flow will be choked, and if crossed area was too large then turbine cannot yield its best efficiency. This study purposed to determine the characteristic of helium flow with speed of supersonic through nozzle as most important component within gas turbine system in secondary coolant cycle for giving safety on MSR installation operation. The applied solution method was by employed the equations of energy, mass, momentum, state, process. From the obtained results, it can be known that helium flow rate on critical crossed area had the speed of 1 M, critical pressure ratio of 0,49, and critical temperature ratio of 0,75, so that the flow via nozzle had the good characteristic and it could be used to helium turbine at secondary coolant cycle in MSR installation.
Keywords : Turbine, nozzle, helium
Prosiding Seminar Nasional ke-15 Teknologi dan Keselamatan PLTN Serta Fasilitas Nuklir Surakarta, 17 Oktober 2009
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