Evaluation and Analysis of Cooling Study of High Temperature Heated Rod on Queen-II Test Section for Bottom Reflooding Procces experiments
Puradwi I.W., M. Juarsa, Hendro Tj.
Pusat Teknologi Reaktor dan Keselamatan Nuklir - BATAN
Kawasan PUSPIPTEK Gedung 80, Serpong 15310, Tangerang
EVALUATION AND ANALYSIS OF COOLING STUDY OF HIGH TEMPERATURE HEATED ROD ON QUEEN-II TEST SECTION FOR BOTTOM REFLOODING PROCESS EXPERIMENTS. Emergency cooling processes of LOCA in PWR is done by core reflooding especially to cooling fuel rod which is still hot, with bottom reflooding of water flow is injected from ECCS to reactor core. The bottom reflooding phenomenon is necessary to investigated and to understood through post LOCA boiling heat transfer phenomenons on fuel rod with boiling heat transfer experiments and the end results are heat flux and boiling curves. The Experimental simulation of heated rod which is cooled from bottom to up by water cooling flow, was done using water cooling flow rate variation G= 15 g/s, G= 59 g/s dan G= 140 g/s at 850-900 oC of temperature and initial heated rod temperature variation as 600 oC, 700 oC and 800 oC on 62 g/s flow rate. Analysis was done base on the measurement, visualization, and analytic calculations. The experiment results was showing that the heat transfer on bottom reflooding is occurred an film boiling heat transfer at bottom reflooding process which is initiating the cooling process of the bottom reflooding mainly on initial heated rod temperature higher than 800 oC. For initial heated rod temperature variations with same flow rate, MHF and CHF values are tend to increase for higher initial heated rod temperature. The evaluation of study results was saw that boiling curve is resulted through transient cooling of the high temperature heated rod and the boiling is a flow boiling. This flow boiling was saw that post burn out film boiling and flow rate variable and initial heated rod temperature were give important meaning in the cooling process of post LOCA mainly on MHF and CHF.
Keywords: boiling, film, heat transfer, bottom reflooding, LOCA.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ke-15 "TEKNOLOGI DAN KESELAMATAN PLTN SERTA FASILITAS NUKLIR", Surakarta, 17 Oktober 2009
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