Analysis Of The Temperature Coefficient Of The Pwr 1000 MWe Fuel Assembly Of Enrichment Function Using MCNP Code
Rokhmadi dan Tukiran
Kawasan PUSPIPTEK Gd. No. 80 Serpong 15310
ANALYSIS OF THE TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT OF THE PWR 1000 MWe FUEL ASSEMBLY OF ENRICHMENT FUNCTION USING MCNP CODE. As a part of preparation for the first Nuclear Power Plant, NPP, in Indonesia, it is necessary to assess the safety of the NPP. One of the safety parameters of an NPP reactor is temperature coefficient parameters. The parameters must be determined with high accuracy because those are important values to analyze the stability and transient control of the reactor. In this paper, the moderator, cladding and fuel temperature coefficients were calculated for the PWR 1000MWe fuel assembly with enrichment of 3%, 2,5% and 2%. The calculations were carried out using the Monte Carlo method code of MCNP5 version of 1.3. The nuclear data of ENDF/B-VI.2 is used as a main nuclear data. In hot condition, some neutron cross-section materials were taken from the ENDF/B-V nuclear data. The cold condition with temperature of 293.6K is used as a reference. The calculations showed that the temperature coefficient for fuel on 3%, 2.5%, 2% enrichment are -1.16 pcm Äk/k/K, -1.47 pcm Äk/k/K and -1.61 pcm Äk/k/K respectively. The fuel is the most sensitive materials if the change of temperature occurred, while the effect on cladding material can be avoided. However, all values of the temperature coefficient are negative.
Keywords : PWR fuel assembly, enrichment, kinf, temperature coeficient, MCNP5
Proceeding Seminar Nasional Ke-15 "TEKNOLOGI DAN KESELAMATAN PLTN SERTA FASILITAS NUKLIR", Surakarta, 17 Oktober 2009
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