Studi Perhitungan Reaktor HTR Pebble-Bed Dengan Berbagai Opsi Desain Matriks Bahan Bakar
Zuhair dan Suwoto
Pusat Teknologi Reaktor dan Keselamatan Nuklir – BATAN
STUDY ON PEBBLE-BED HTR REACTOR CALCULATION WITH SEVERAL OPTIONS OF FUEL MATRIX DESIGNS. Pebble-bed HTR core is able to accommodate various types of fuel without significant core modification. This paper presents study of calculation of pebble-bed HTR core with three options of fuel matrix designs: UO2 (8.2% U235 enrichment), PuO2 (53.85% Pu239 enrichment) and ThO2/UO2 (7.47% U233 enrichment). Core calculation includes cell calculation using infinite array model of pebble-bed fuel with reflective boundary and full core calculation uses cylindrical model (2-D R-Z) with 300 cm in diameter and 943 cm in height. All computations are carried out using Monte Carlo transport code MCNP5 at temperature of 293.6 K and 1000 K. In general, MCNP5 calculations indicate consistency with kinf and keff values of UO2 core which always almost higher than those of PuO2 and ThO2/UO2 cores. Compared to the other Monte Carlo simulation show that MCNP5 produces the value of kinf which is closer to that obtained by MCNP-4B than that obtained by MONK9 with the computation bias less than 1.3%. The MCNP5's keff calculation reflect a close tendency to that achieved by MCNP-4B, KENO-V.a, and MONK9, however, its computation bias is relatively high compared to the TRIPOLI4, especially for reactor core with PuO2. It can be concluded that MCNP5 estimations excist in the range of all Monte Carlo calculation codes and are expected to be the most precision if the experimental data found later.
Keywords: HTR pebble-bed, fuel, MCNP5, ENDF/B-VI
Proceeding Seminar Nasional Ke-15 "TEKNOLOGI DAN KESELAMATAN PLTN SERTA FASILITAS NUKLIR", Surakarta, 17 Oktober 2009
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