Safety Evaluation Of Reactor Core For PWR Based On Initiating Event And Design Aspect
D. T. Sony Tjahyani
SAFETY EVALUATION OF REACTOR CORE FOR PWR BASED ON INITIATING EVENT AND DESIGN ASPECT. Safety evaluation for NPP is important to determine frequency and consequence of fission product released to public and environmental. Those condition is caused by core damage and containment system failure. Core damage is caused initiating events and safety system failure. Safety system failure is dependent by 6 items that is single failure criteria, redundancy, independency, diversity, fail-safe concept, system interaction and dependencies. The objective of the evaluation is to determine those items to system failure and initiating events contribution to core damage. PWR for generation II and III (III+) are used as object of study for this assessment. The analysis was carried out by collecting initiating event and core damage data also to assess design configuration of PWR for generation II and III (III+). The evaluation results showed that system modification of generation II is significant to core safety level for generation III (III+) PWR, so it is to reduce initiating events and core damage frequency.
Keywords: PWR, Core Damage, Initiating Event, PWR for Generation II and III
Proceeding Seminar Nasional Ke-15 "TEKNOLOGI DAN KESELAMATAN PLTN SERTA FASILITAS NUKLIR", Surakarta, 17 Oktober 2009
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