Thermal Parameter Transient Analysis Of Droplets In Nuclear Power Plant Cooling Tower
Hendro Tjahjono
Pusat Teknologi Reaktor dan Keselamatan Nuklir BATAN
THERMAL PARAMETER TRANSIENT ANALYSIS OF DROPLETS IN NUCLEAR POWER PLANT COOLING TOWER. In Nuclear Power Plant using fresh water from river as condenser cooling, a cooling tower still used for decreasing the amount of fresh water used so that could reduce the negative impact to the environment. Inside a cooling tower, warm water coming from condenser drops from a certain level of height in a form of droplet and being cooled by the air. The heat transfer between droplets and the air determines significantly the effectiveness of cooling tower. The heat transfer process involves latent heat transfer owing to vaporization of small portion of water and sensible heat transfer owing to difference in temperature of water and air. The objective of this research is to determine the influence of droplets size and its fall height to temperature transient during the fall. The analysis is performed explicitly using finite difference method in spherical coordinate to resolve the transient conduction equation. The air temperature is supposed constant as 30ÂșC and the sensible heat transfer is performed by convection and radiation. As independent variable in this analysis are droplets size and fall height. The result shows that the heat transfer effectiveness is higher as droplet size is small and fall height is high. For NPP of 1000 MWe, with the fall height of 20 m and the droplet diameter of 2 mm, the final average temperature of droplets is 31.6°C for 40°C initially and the volume rate of cooling water is 58.3 m3/s.
Keywords: cooling tower, NPP, heat transfer effectiveness, droplets.
Proceeding Seminar Nasional Ke-15 "TEKNOLOGI DAN KESELAMATAN PLTN SERTA FASILITAS NUKLIR", Surakarta, 17 Oktober 2009
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